Translations In London

A case for continuous localization

Localization, when properly executed, serves as the backbone for a successful global product.

It is what sets apart an excellent global product like Airbnb with a presence in over 220 countries worldwide from Swedish vacuum company; Electrolux whose epic localization fail may have led to its mediocre U.S market entry.

With that in mind, organizations’ approach towards localization when going global needs a re-think, especially for digital products (Software, Games, web platforms, etc.), which require constant refreshing or updates.

For the best end-products, localization needs to occur almost simultaneously as development occurs and not after each developmental cycle so that it (localization) does not become an obstacle.

In this post, we would be looking at continuous localization and its role in delivering a successful global product.

What is continuous localization?

Continuous localization is an approach that suggests a fluid, back and forth-like arrangement for integrating the translation/localization process into software development.

The traditional method of carrying out localization projects involves a waterfall model that occurs in phases and is more sequential in approach. This method, when compared to software developments’ agile approach, is an apparent mismatch that leads to slower update releases, poor and inconsistent translations, high translation costs, etc., with the latter being more iterative and having tasks that occur at specific time cycles.

In summary, continuous localization can be likened to a modified form of an agile workflow. But instead of working after each development sprint, translation is happening in real-time, making content readily available for release.

This method offers an efficient workflow that can guarantee faster updates to market while at the same time enhancing collaboration between all participants.

How does it work?

Think of continuous localization like the bakery that adopts continuous mixing to blend its ingredients. Instead of using a batch system where all constituents are loaded and mixed before discharge, continuous metering incorporates steady metering of ingredients into a mixing chamber, then mixing takes place at all stages.

The end product is baked goods that are more consistent in texture, shape, and size and are of high quality.

In any effective continuous localization, the development team’s updated strings and code is uploaded to its repository, which should sync relevant strings to the translation management system. Thereafter, the localization team effects the necessary translation, and these changes automatically sync and reflect in the repository.

The continuous update process more or less takes place concurrently at every stage within a development sprint. There are no pauses within a sprint, and it involves the active collaboration between the development and localization team either directly or through a localization manager.

Continuous localization is more efficient if internationalization considerations are factored into the early stages of development as it helps reduce the workload for both parties.

Continuous localization workflow

What are the benefits of continuous localization?

Besides its economic benefits, continuous localization offers crucial advantages for software and gaming-related entities, especially if the product’s scope is vast and requires quick updates.

The practice enables companies;

  1. Release multilingual product updates – With Continuous l10n, the development team focuses on churning out updates while the localization team can channel their attention towards translating the strings into the language(s) of interest, which would lead to a well-rounded and consistent end-product
  1. Better collaborate – Continuous localization, when well-conceptualized, enhances collaboration between relevant stakeholders. Each participant is clearly aware of their respective roles and works towards achieving them. Plus, it even fosters team cohesion and communication.
  1. Release quick-to-market products – The ability to quickly make changes to a product coupled with the reduction in organizational bottlenecks results in digital products getting to market faster and multilingual updates being released simultaneously, which gives the feeling of inclusion to end-users and improves the overall user experience.

Adapting continuous localization beyond software and gaming

The concept of continuous localization, despite commonly associated with software development and gaming can be adapted to just about any product.

Incorporating a continuous mode of localization into your product campaign or development workflow helps to get rid of bottlenecks often associated with translation, enables your organization to streamline its operations and take hold of business opportunities as they come. Thus, keeping you ahead of the competition.

It is often common to find the concept of continuous localization being adopted in; E-commerce and support content, rapid product prototyping, modular technical documentation, and a host of other areas.

Wrapping it up

Taking your software to the global scene demands a shift from the conventional development workflow to a more collaborative one that churns out translations in real-time, especially when quick and regular updates are required. 

Also, it is worthy to note that the concept of continuous localization is not limited to software and gaming alone. Companies can adapt the underlying principle to reap the benefits that come with it.

Are you interested in taking your brand global in these difficult times? The translation and localization specialists at Translationsinlondon are on standby to provide the most efficient solutions for your business.

Reach out to our team today to get started

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