The field and the practice of medicine have become an integral component of the collective existence of humankind. But as time changes, especially in the modern world, how we experience medical care has undergone tremendous evolution. One integral element at the centre of all these is medical translation the role overcoming language barriers play in improving the overall quality of healthcare.

In today’s article, we shine our spotlight on this very specialized section in the translation industry. We also look at the information that requires translation in the medical field and why practitioners must hire the expertise of a certified professional when engaging in the translation of medical lingo.

What is medical translation?

In simple terms, medical translation is the process that involves the translation of medical or healthcare-related information (in text form), which could be anything from clinical trial documents to physician notes or surgical procedural explanations and many more.

In medical translation, fluency in the language pair is not enough. Due to the sensitive nature of the information involved, medical translation requires specialization on the part of translators, and perhaps, background knowledge in the medical field because of its multifaceted needs.

Today, due to the stringent requirements by medical regulatory bodies, Medical personnel are advised to employ the services of professionally certified translators or LSP’s to ensure that communication between all parties involved is done the right way to avoid errors that could have dire consequences.

What documents require medical translation?

Haven explained the meaning of medical translation let us go into what set of medical information requires translation. It is worthy to note that not every medical information requires translation, and the ability to discern what needs translation and what doesn’t is crucial when translating medical documents. Not forgetting to mention that it helps save cost too. 

Some medical documents that oftentimes need translating include;

  • Clinical trial documents
  • Case reports
  • Consent forms
  • Medical device instructions
  • General medical documents (textbooks, newsletters, journals, etc.)
  • Medical research findings
  • Prescription documents
Picture 1: a list of documents that need translations


Guide on determining what medical information needs translating

Due to the diverse needs of medical professionals and the variations in medical information intended end-use, there is no magic bullet to determining which medical information needs translation. However, medical practitioners can adopt a multistep approach, which helps to sieve through the information that really needs translation. They can start by doing the following;

  • Identify the documents with critical medical information
  • Establish if the information is in compliance with local laws and regulations
  • Identify your target audience
  • Ensure the information fits with the target audience

Adopting this approach implies that only precise information is being disseminated to the public. Besides, medical establishments are now assured of both ethical and legal compliance.

The need for a professional service when handling medical translation

As globalization continues to happen at a fast pace with communities becoming more diverse, we begin to hear more about medical tourism and other emerging trends. Medical professionals are required to respond by performing their primary mandate of delivering high-quality care to every patient irrespective of their background. 

One question often asked by enthusiasts is the reason(s) behind the need for a professionally certified LSP to engage in the translation of medical-related information. 

The answer to the question lies in the implications of employing the services of non-professionals. Medical, healthcare and pharmaceutical players face stiff penalties in the form of fines, law-suits, or withdrawal of practice license from regulatory bodies if they are ever found guilty of mishaps arising due to any communication breakdown. So why take any chances when you can mitigate potential penalties by hiring the service of certified language service providers?

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