Tag Archives: transcreation

Preserving the brand’s voice

Focusing on one specific aspect of the source text greatly influences the the final product, depending if you focus on the meaning, tone, or the style of the document. Keeping the work as authentic as possible is vital for keeping up the brand’s identity, also known as a brand voice. This can be difficult when having to translate jokes, pop culture references, and the lingo of the target language.

Maximise your UX: How translation opens possibilities!

It is a common misconception that machine translation will replace the need for human translators. However, to ensure a positive UX, having a proper translation will allow for trust to build between client and company, and to appropriately adapt the UX to the target clients.


Luxurious brands: New opportunities in a global market

Technology has had a huge impact on all our daily lives from the way we communicate, we work, we entertain ourselves and how we shop. Not only that, but the pandemic hasRead More…