After TranslationsInLondon‘s team took part to the very stimulating and interesting “Translation and the Creative Industries Conference“ in central London, there was a lot of inspirational content to think about. We would like toRead More…
‘I want to be a professional translator!’
What it Takes to be a Translator. A professional translator will attest to the fact that their work is misunderstood and often underestimated. Today’s post serves to outline the skill-set ofRead More…
“False friends” in translation
One of the most surprising things about exploring different languages is the many similarities we can find among certain words. You might think there is a huge difference between a Romance languageRead More…
When languages die, it’s more than just words
According to the National Geographic a language dies every 14 days. Researchers show that the list of endangered languages is getting longer every day and that, by the next century, nearly halfRead More…
How to prepare content for translation
How to prepare content for translation Trаnѕlаtіоn ѕеrvісеѕ аrе playing an important rоlе іn this globalized wоrld whеrе lаnguаgе bаrrіеr has аlmоѕt fаdеd аwау whеn іt соmеѕ tо buѕіnеѕѕ. Mоrе аnd moreRead More…
Can we lose our first language?
In today’s interconnected world, the ease of global travel has significantly increased, making it more accessible for people to relocate to different countries. With the widespread availability of air travel, individuals canRead More…
Patent Translation – The Perfect Business Partner
Patent Translation Service – not just any translator! A patent is both a technical and a legal document: It is an agreement between an inventor and an authority defining the parties’ reciprocal rightsRead More…
Going global by staying local: A guide to localisation for SMEs.
A couple of weeks ago, we were pitching our services to a potential client (a SME). As always, we tried to get familiar with their brand and ethos before meeting them. WeRead More…
Types of Machine Translation & Roles of Google Translate
As seen in our previous post, Machine Translation (MT) has recently become extremely popular and often the choice among the available MT systems can be hard for both companies and freelancers. AccordingRead More…
Localisation Services in the Digital Era (and why you need them)
Localisation services are key for anyone hoping to compete internationally Travelling is all about exploring new places, cultures, traditions and most of the time a new language. Airlines, tour operators and hotelsRead More…