A quality marketing and translation strategy pays! Oxford Street…both tourist heaven and a Londoner’s nightmare! So many people but with that, so many potential customers! Looking at the volume of global brandsRead More…
Marketing translation and its challenges
Marketing translation can be considered an artform! Marketing translation can be challenging even for an expert translator. Therefore, this area of expertise differs from other kinds of translation because it carries more riskRead More…
Machine Translation….. What is MTPE?
Machine Translation and MTPE Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE), also known as automated, automatic or instant translation, is essentially (as you may expect) a process according to which a translation is (initiallyRead More…
How to choose a translation agency
What to consider and how to choose a translation agency? How to choose a translation agency? it can be stressful to find the right provider. Nowadays, the world of translation is full ofRead More…
Luxury Brands Translation, The Language of Luxury
The world of Luxury Brands Translation Are you working on a global marketing campaign and want an international audience to fully understand your brand? A luxury brand’s translation and localisation strategy canRead More…
Cultural differences in non verbal communication
Cultural differences in non verbal communication Non verbal communication is what occurs without the need for words while we are attempting to communicate. It’s involved in any communication via body language and environmentalRead More…
A Passion for Fashion Translations
You want a Global Brand? You need Fashion Translations! Fаѕhіоn translations are a key aspect in the global marketing plan of any established or gowing fashion brand. Fashion can really be somethingRead More…
Transcreation: translating for the creative industries
After TranslationsInLondon‘s team took part to the very stimulating and interesting “Translation and the Creative Industries Conference“ in central London, there was a lot of inspirational content to think about. We would like toRead More…
‘I want to be a professional translator!’
What it Takes to be a Translator. A professional translator will attest to the fact that their work is misunderstood and often underestimated. Today’s post serves to outline the skill-set ofRead More…
“False friends” in translation
One of the most surprising things about exploring different languages is the many similarities we can find among certain words. You might think there is a huge difference between a Romance languageRead More…